
Chernigov, Ukraine - Home, Sweet Home

This is it! My first preparation day in Ukraine. I arrived just afternoon in Kiev on Wednesday, November 24th, 2010. We went and road the metro and contacted some people. I was somewhat surprised. I didn't think it would be as easy to talk to people, but it was great. I felt calm and peaceful. I talked to a few people on my first day. I placed a Book of Mormon too. I felt so much love for the Ukrainian people and I can already feel that I'm going to miss this country when I go home.

We did some training and paperwork, then went to the mission home and had a delicious dinner that Sister Steinagel cooked. I flew in with 8 other Ukrainian speaking missionaries, by the way. We had some free time where we did some singing and playing around w/ the piano while president did some interviews. All of us slept at President Steinagel's house the first night. In the morning after a breakfast and some study we went over to the chapel by the temple where the whole mission was. Usually all the missionaries only gather about twice a year. This time was for Thanksgiving. There were about 110 missionaries there including senior couples. First thing was transfer meeting where we found out who our trainers would be and what city we'll be in!

My trainer's name is Elder Calahan Larson. He's originally from Florida, but lived about 8 years in Utah. He's been a great companion so far. We have some sweet conversations. We have had a lot of different life experiences, but we also have a lot in common. He's our district leader right now. He's been in Ukraine for over a year now. We are getting right to work. My first city is called Chernigov. It's the city the furthest north in our mission and the closest you can get to Chernoble (about 100 km). There are about 400,000 people from what I've heard. It's a nice spot. It's been cool to go around and start to get to know the area. The members here are great! We have about 20 people in sacrament meeting every week. The Branch President Solomain is 25 and has a beautiful little daughter. He's from Russia and served his mission here then returned. We are teaching a family with 6 children right now. The parents have already been to church with 2 of the children. Their names are Anatoliy and Elena. Please pray for them. He's a taxi driver, I haven't met the rest of the family yet. He's really cool though.

I'm getting better at approaching people. I contacted a university professor yesterday and we got his business card. We hope to meet with him tonight.

I don't have anymore time to write right now, but I'm loving it here and I'm excited to see what the days ahead have in store. I'll try to write more next week.

Oh yeah, I am not able to email friends in this mission, sorry to anybody i told i could. Letters it will be.

Elder Mahoney

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