
You'll Never Guess Where He's From

It feels like it's been a really long time since I last wrote, but it's been the same as usual. Haha. It's weird how time works sometimes.

Last week started off with my companion leaving on Monday night. Then I was with Elder Jacob Hofeling on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We had a pretty good time together. On Tuesday night we had English practice. Our mission doesn't do English practice anymore like it used to, but in our city now we are kinda teaching the Gospel in English and it's pretty fun. Members and investigators come. After the English we had a lesson and everybody stayed but one guy. Elder Hofeling speaks Ukrainian so I'm learning a lot more Ukrainian than Russian here. He turned the time over to me to talk about the First Vision. Honestly, it was the first time in a long time we've had a regular 1st lesson. It was awesome to be able to share that. I could feel the Spirit testify as I quoted Joseph's own words. I know that it is true. God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ truly appeared to Joseph Smith and Christ's Church has again been restored to the earth.

We got a referral from the Branch President a few weeks ago and met with her again this week. Her name is Inna. She has an 11 year old son named Pavel. She's a great woman. She's smart and she has tons of faith. She understand a lot of principles already and she prays morning and night, but she's looking for truth. She doesn't have a job though and she just does whatever she can to get money, mostly buying and selling things. She doesn't ask for anything, but sometimes she tells me about how hard it is. She just wants to help others and provide a good life for Pavel, but she can't even get enough money for food. She says her son's hungry. Pavel's eyesight is bad and she can afford to get him glasses because he just breaks them. It makes me sad to think about it. I just want to help, but we're doing what we can. Please pray for them.

On Thursday I found out my new companion and at 3 AM on Friday morning the two new Elders for our area arrived. Elder Johnson is serving with Elder Hofeling now and I'm sure that nobody has imagined who my companion is. I am serving with a mini-missionary now named Elder Lesley Davis. He is from... Ghana! Mini-missionaries are just locals who fill in for a short period of time when we don't have enough full-time missionaries. Elder Davis is 27 and he's studying medicine in a city called Ternopol here. There's an English university there, so he doesn't really speak any Russian or Ukrainian. He's actually trying to learn Ukrainian, while I'm a Russian-speaker. He's been in the country for almost 2 years. He lived in England for a couple years and then came here. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only missionary in Eastern Europe with a black companion. I have never seen another black person in this city. It's interesting how people stare at us even more than normally now. His Dad is a stake president in Ghana. It's definitely an interesting experience. We've already eaten a couple different Ghanain dishes and I'm learning some cool stuff. I love him. On the otherhand, I really have to just step it up. I'm the only one who knows what's going on, so I basically just have a tagalong. Everything is new to him missionary-wise. He didn't know that schedule at all. I'm grateful for his sacrifice to serve. It's really getting me ready because I'll probably train next transfer. It's funny that I'm serving with a companion now that is less prepared than most missionaries on their first day. It'll actually kinda be a relief to have a greenie in some ways. Haha. Missions are so cool and this is an interesting turn of events.

Our new mission president Klebingat will arrive on Thursday. Probably next Wednesday I'll get to meet him in Lviv. That's what I heard, but I'm not sure. I'm excited about the change. Soon it'll be a Ghanian and a Canadian serving under a German mission president in Ukraine. I love the Gospel. I know that I was called here by a prophet of God. Thanks for all the love and support. Please pray for us.

Love always,
Elder Mahoney

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