The coolest story this week comes from Monday night. We had Family Home Evening with our branch president Glukhov and then on the trolleybus home I sat next to a young woman. I could see that she was kinda looking at me and the book in my hand so I moved the book a little so she could see it better. She kept looking, so I broke the ice by saying, "What street is this? Uspyenskaya right?" She answered and then started asking who we are and why we are here. We got off at the same stop and ended up walking in the same direction a little bit. I told her more about what we do and our message and gave her a business card and Family: A Proclamation to the World. I invited her to home evening at the senior couple's apartment on Wednesday, but I thought maybe she was more interested in us than the Church. Well, she came and she's legit. We watch a little video about the Church and she was active in the discussion afterward with many other YSA and youth. She said, "I don't know about other people in the room, but I really like that in the video the people don't smoke or drink." She told everybody she wasgrateful that she came that evening. She told me afterward that she looks at people in Ukraine differently know. She said she always though before that there aren't any good people here, that everybody smokes and drinks. She said, "I didn't know that there are good people in Ukraine." Well, there are and I'm excited for her. We met with her on Friday and she had lots of great questions. We taught her about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I read part of Moroni 10:3, "I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them", and asked her what she thinks it means "if it be wisdom in God." She said, "God brought me here." We talked a little bit about baptism and she came to Church on Sunday. I'm very excited to see her progress. She's in her mid-twenties, in the 3rd year of her 2nd music degree. She's studying to be a conductor now. I look forward to sharing more good news about her. Her name's Svyeta.
I love my mission. It's a privilege to serve under our inspired mission president. He's constantly pushing us to be greater each day. The gospel is awesome and when I live it I'm happy. I'm a son of a King, a son of God, and I know that I can return to live with Him and my family through the mercy and Atonement of Jesus Christ. Life's pretty cool. Thanks for all the love and support. Please keep praying for us.
Elder Mahoney
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